Universiti Malaya – Wales

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By Tan Jian Heng

There are always people around you who say that you can be the master of your own life. You can even find a similar quote expressed by Napoleon Hill in his book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ which goes like this, “You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct, and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.”

In reality, many things are out of our own control like deciding on a future career before enrolling on a degree, wanting a dream house, or something as simple as deciding where to have a meal. All of the decision making aforementioned is somehow influenced by external factors that are not in your control or favour. This is what I call the tragedies and dysfunctions of the generation that we inherited from and naturally will pass down to coming generations.

Despite having the motivation to control your own life, you have various known and unknown intercessions in life to which you are shackled to. But you are still in control of your own life by demonstrating perseverance and challenging yourself, knowing that you will end up stronger than you were before by just having the thought alone that you will succeed.

This read will be self-help for anyone who wants to know more about the power of thought and the brain in the process of further exploration for your career, where the world steps aside to let you pass and generate monetary and personal growth satisfaction.

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