Universiti Malaya – Wales

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Min 3 Years (FT) / Min 4 Years (PT)


January, May & September

Modes Of Study

Part/Full-Time Available

Doctor of Philosophy (Professional Communication)

Programme Overview
(R/321/8/0107) (12/25) (MQA/FA4244)

This research programme is aimed at future researchers looking to explore and discover new concepts, explanations, and ideas in the communication field. This programme caters to students who possess a strong theoretical background and wish to undertake independent research with the guidance of one or more faculty members.

The research curriculum of the PhD consists of an in-depth investigation into specific research issues related to professional communication, with the aim of adding to existing knowledge, as well as contributing new and groundbreaking knowledge to the field. We inspire students to exhibit an awareness of issues and developments in their chosen field and increase students’ competence in providing novel solutions to issues encountered in career development and growth.
  • A Master’s degree (Level 7, MQF) in a related discipline accepted by the Senate; OR
  • Other equivalent qualifications recognised by the Government of Malaysia; OR
  • Candidates without a related qualification in the field/s or working experience in the relevant fields must undergo an appropriate prerequisite course determined by HEP.
  • Candidates with excellent Bachelor’s degree (Level 6, MQF) based on the following conditions:
    I. A bachelor’s degree in the field or related fields with first-class (CGPA of 3.67 or higher) or its equivalent; AND
    II. Subject to rigorous internal assessment (includes submission of 3000-word research proposal).

English language competency requirements for international students:
  • See the latest requirement here
  • Minimum IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 600 or equivalent
  • English language requirements can be waived if the international student EITHER comes from a country that uses English as the official language OR the entry qualification uses English as the medium of instruction

Phase 1
  • Coursework (Three core courses)
    • Academic Writing
    • Research Methodologies
    • Communication Theories
The Colloquium
Allows students to gain public speaking experience, learn about student research from fields within and outside their academic discipline, and experience judging methods used by professional panels for national and international meetings.

Phase 2
  • Proposal Defence
    • Each student must submit the first three chapters of his or her thesis for internal assessment. They must then present and defend their PhD research proposal. The student is only allowed to continue with the research to Phase 3 on the passing of the defence of their proposal.
Phase 3
  • Data Collection and Thesis Preparation
    • The student proceeds to his/her data collection, data analysis and thesis writing
The Work Completion Seminar  Serves as a moderation process to assess whether the work done by the candidate is sufficient for the PhD degree. The candidate must pass this before their thesis is allowed to proceed to Viva Voce.

Phase 4
  • Viva Voce
    • After submitting the thesis, the students is required to attend a Viva Voce to defend his/her thesis
All Doctor of Philosophy (Professional Communication) students are assessed through full research based paper (100%). Our students are expected to demonstrate their understanding in several forms of assessment, including but not limited to; lectures, tutorials, consultation, research supervision, seminar/colloquium. Students will have full support from their research supervisor throughout the duration of their project.

Full-time students are expected to undergo min three (3) semesters and max five (5) semesters while part-time students expected to undergo four (4) semesters and max nine (9) semesters.
Malaysian Students

International Students
Applicants for the Doctor of Philosophy (Professional Communication) programme are required to submit a comprehensive statement of the research that they propose to carry out. The proposal should comprise the following elements:
  • Field of research
  • Topic of research proposal
  • Background or a brief literature review on the research topic
  • Objective of study – Explain the objectives that influence the research
  • The Methodology of study – Explain the methods used in study
  • Work schedule
  • Equipment required (where applicable)
  • Brief bibliography
  • The research proposal should contain between 1,500 – 2,000 words or about four to six (4 – 6) pages

Programme Enquiry Form

    • Accredited by MQA & recognised by JPA.
    • Gain a competitive edge in your career with access to industry leaders and subject matter experts.
    • Flexible schedule to suit working professionals.
    • Benefit from working with accomplished scholars and researchers who are experts in their respective fields.

    Want to find out more? Feel free to drop us a message!