Dr Deeparechigi Vashu
Doctor of Philosophy (Marketing and Tourism)
Master of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Economics
Area of Specialisation
- Best Conference Paper Award : 14th International Business and Economy Conference, IBEC 2015, January 5-8 2015; Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand
- Best Presenter Award, 3rd International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Malaysia
- Deeparechigi Vashu, Ridzuan Masri, Cham Tat Huei, Cheah Kenny (2021), Destination
Image as A Healing Destination Among Medical Tourists: An Exploratory Case Study
of Penang, Malaysia. ABAC Journal, 41(2), 156-176. - Deeparechigi Vashu, Ridzuan Masri & Cham Tat Huei, The Role of Destination Image in
Malaysia’s Medical Tourism Industry.Advanced Science Letters, Adv. Sci. Lett. 24,
3479–3482 (2018). - Saroja Dhanapal, Deeparechigi Vashu & Thanam Subramaniam, 2015. International Business and Economics Conference (14th IBEC 2015 – Thailand ) Proceeding: Perceptions on the Challenges of Online Purchasing: A Study from Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y’s Point of Views. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2550117
- Masri, R., Vashu, D., Ahmad, M. A., Azfar, W. M., Abdul Rahman, N. R., & Rahman, N.
R. B. A.(2018). The Management Dilemma On The Delivery Of Tacit-Explicit Knowledge
In The Diffusion Of Innovation Theory. Turkish Online Journal Of Design Art And
Communication, 8, 686-692.. - Saroja Dhanapal, Deeparechigi Vashu & Thanam Subramaniam, 2015. International
Business and Economics Conference (14th IBEC 2015 – Thailand ) Proceeding:
Perceptions on the Challenges of Online Purchasing: A Study from Baby Boomers
Generation X and Generation Y’s Point of Views. - Thanam Subramaniam, Deeparechigi Vashu, Saroja Dhanapal & Suraya Binti Mohd Alwie.
2013. Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction among Academicians: A Comparative Study
between Gender and Generations. International Journal of Management Excellence.
Volume 2 No. 1 October 2013:pp.128-139. - Dhanapal, S., Hwa, E. T. B., Manickam, G., Vashu, D., & Alwie, S. B. M. (2013). Identifying
trends in ‘Job Hopping’ in private institutions of higher learning. International Journal of
Management and Information Technology, 3(3), 70-80