Universiti Malaya – Wales

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Picture by Ikhwan Hashim

November 28th, 2020: Prof. Dr Rozainun Haji Abdul Aziz invited special guest Tan Sri Abdul Wahid Omar to the DBA Contemporary Accounting & Finance class to share some of his insightful leadership experiences with students.

Tan Sri Abdul Wahid is currently the Chairman of Bursa Malaysia Berhad and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). He is regarded as one of the most versatile corporate leaders in Malaysia having successfully led four major organisations in infrastructure development, telecommunications, financial services and investment management.

“Such engagements go a long way towards greater academia-industry collaboration, and this is one of the key reasons I embarked on a DBA in my life-long learning journey”, shared Shamsul Bahri Sulas, a DBA student at IUMW.
