Role of Sales Representative’s Cultural Intelligence in Enhancing Customer Satisfaction among the Tenants and Property Buyers in Malaysia.
Hassan, Z., Basit, A & Sethumadavan, S (2020).
International Journal of Business Marketing and Management, 5(7), 37-56.

The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of real estate sales representative’s cultural intelligence on customer satisfaction in Malaysia. A sample size of 535 respondents as customers who have experienced interacting real estate sales representatives was used to collect the relevant data through the convenience sampling method and analyzed using SPSS 21 and AMOS 22 software. The results show that meta-cognitive and cognitive cultural intelligence has no significant impact on customer satisfaction, meanwhile motivational and behavioral cultural intelligence has a significant and positive impact on customer satisfaction. Therefore, it was concluded that enhancing the cultural intelligence of sales representatives will increase customer satisfaction among the property buyers and tenants. This study will be useful for the real estate industry and human resource managers to emphasize on selecting employees as sales representatives with high cultural intelligence and connection with the property buyers. Industry players will be able to use this study to design and plan on which aspects of cultural intelligence should be incorporated into their training strategies and policies. Relevant authorities will be able to use this study to formulate relevant human resource development strategies and policies in the real estate and property development sector.
Effect of Cultural Intelligence and Learning Style on Leadership Effectiveness: Conceptual Analysis.
Basit, A, Sethumadavan, S & Hassan , Z (2020).
The International Journal of Business Management, 8(6), 179-185.DOI No.: 10.24940/theijbm/2020/v8/i6/BM2006-048

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of Cultural Intelligence and Learning Style on Leadership Effectiveness among the leaders, particularly in the banking sector. This study has proposed cultural intelligence and Learning Style as independent variables in this study. Leadership Effectiveness is the dependent variable. The study has reviewed various scholarly articles to examine the effect of cultural intelligence and learning style on leadership effectiveness. All the articles reviewed in this paper are empirical and conceptual papers designed to collect quantitative data. Therefore, this conceptual paper intends to conduct research among the bank leaders in Klang Valley in Malaysia. Based on the available literature it was found that cultural intelligence has a mixed result on leadership effectiveness. However, the majority of past research reported that cultural intelligence has a positive and significant effect on leadership effectiveness. From the review, it was also found that there is a lack of studies examining learning style effects on leadership effectiveness particularly in the Banking Sector. This study will contribute by establishing the link between cultural intelligence, learning style, and leadership effectiveness simultaneously.
Challenges and Barriers Faced by Women in Management Positions in Malaysia.
Basit, A., & Hassan, Z. (2020).
Indonesian Journal of Contemporary Management Research, 2(1).

This study sought to examine the challenges and barriers affecting the career progression of women in management positions in Malaysia. Although there has been a steady progression of women entering the corporate world, they remain under-represented in top management positions. The target population was female and male managers in the business district of Kuala Lumpur. This study adopted a descriptive and explanatory research design and primary data was collected through the use of a structured questionnaire. A total of 125 female managers and 125 male managers constituted the sample of respondents. SPSS Software was used to perform data analysis and the descriptive statistics were presented using mean, frequencies and standard deviation. Correlation and regression analysis were performed to test the strength of association and relationship between the variables. The analysis results concluded that all the 5 independent variables comprising education, family, glass ceiling, career development and training and gender stereotype have positive and significant impact on women managers’ career progression.
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Entrepreneurial Success: Key Challenges Faced by Malaysian Women Entrepreneurs in 21st Century.
Basit, A., Sze Wong, Hassan, Z, & Sethumadhavan, S. (2020).
International Journal of Business and Management, 15(9). 12-138.

The purpose of this research is to investigate the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs on entrepreneurial success in Malaysia. This study proposes a conceptual framework and investigates the significant factors of family and social support, emotional intelligence, gender stereotype, and knowledge and risk-taking behavior in predicting women entrepreneurial success. Data was collected using a questionnaire with a Likert scale from 1-5 from a sample of 125 women entrepreneurs who owned Small-Medium-Enterprises (SME) in Malaysia using a convenient sampling technique. Collected data was analysed using structural equation modeling (SEM) via AMOS 22 software. The result indicated that “knowledge” has a significant negative impact on women entrepreneurial success, while all the other challenges identified in the previous research such as lack of emotional intelligence, lack of family support, poor risk taking behaviour, gender stereotype were not significant in influencing women entrepreneurial success. Family and social support, and risk-taking behaviour were found to contradict with other previous research indicating that women entrepreneurs are becoming more independent due to the changing norms and cultural values. In conclusion, women entrepreneurial success largely depends on the work experiences, relevant skills/competencies and industrial know-how they acquired and mastered to effectively manage and grow their businesses.
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Impact of Environmental Reporting on Financial Performance: Study of Global Fortune 500 Companies.
Zamil, G. S., & Hassan, Z. (2019).
Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management, 3(2), 109-118.

This study examines the impact of environmental reporting on the financial performance of Fortune 500 firms from 2013 to 2017. It appraises financial performance by measuring three independent variables: reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, reduction in waste, and reduction in water consumption. While the target population comprised the top 100 CSR-reputed companies listed on Fortune 500, the sample size was determined to be 50 based on observations of 250 companies. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analysis. Findings indicated that reduction in nominated variables such as greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption had a positive and significant impact on financial performance, whereas that in another variable, i.e., waste, had a negative and significant impact on financial performance. Thereby, this study recommends that firms should adopt environment-friendly resources to attract stakeholders as well as save the planet. It also suggests that firms need to accord dedicated focus to environmental reporting to improve profitability.
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The Millennials–Comparative Analysis of Factors Affecting Working Behavior of Generations Y and X in Malaysia.
Chow, E., & Hassan, Z. (2019).
Indonesian Journal of Contemporary Management Research, 1(1), 35-46.