Student’s Admission & Records
Student Support
- Credit Transfer/Credit Exemption
- Change of Programme
- Subject Registration
- Add/Drop Subject
- Deferment
- Withdrawal
- Appeal
- Graduation
- Release
- Re-sit Examination Application
- Student Card Application
- Internship Letter Application
- Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Nasional (PTPTN)
- Employees Provident Form (EPF)
- Skim Simpanan Pendidikan Nasional (SSPN-i)
Frequently Asked Questions
You may also find the answer to your question below, in our Frequently Asked Questions section.
1. How do I get the latest information from the Registry Department?
- You are strongly advised to activate and use your UM-Wales student email as all correspondence will be emailed to your student email via [email protected]
- You may also join Registry’s Google classroom for information and forms. The class codes are as follows;
Faculty of Arts & Science: khora5d
Faculty of Business: 4chtnt5
Postgraduate Studies: 2bb2yg2
Foundation Studies: n3zi6js
1. Is it compulsory to register for subjects every semester?
Yes. Subject registration will activate your student status for the semester.
2. What will happen if I do not register my subject(s)?
You will be given a reminder letter(s). If we still do not hear from you, you are at risk of being terminated from the University.
3. When can I register for my subjects?
i. For existing students, you can register your subject via PLUTO when it opens, during week 9 and 10 of the prior semester.
ii. For new students, you can register your subjects in PLUTO after orientation. During orientation, you will be briefed on how to perform online subject registration via PLUTO.
4. What should I do if I register for the wrong subject(s)?
You can drop the wrong subject(s) and add the correct one(s) in PLUTO until Week 4. Please refer to the add/ drop subject(s) section for further details.
5. What if I noticed that I registered for the wrong subject(s) after week 4?
Please refer to the add/ drop subject(s) section for further details.
1. What is deferment?
A deferment is an option that you may choose if you wish to take a break from your studies. You are only allowed to defer 2 semesters throughout your entire study duration.
2. What do I need to do to apply for deferment of study?
i. You need to complete and submit the form to your Faculty/Centre admin.
ii. Upon approval, you will receive an official letter from Registry.
iii. You will be notified if your deferment application is not approved.
1. For internship related matters, who should I refer to?
Please refer to your faculty (programme coordinator/faculty admin) for all internship related matters.
1. What should I know once I receive my final semester result?
i. Upon Senate endorsement, you will receive an email from Registry, requesting you to complete the Graduation form.
ii. Complete the form and email it to Registry.
iii. Upon submitting the form, you will receive a completion letter from the Registry Department within three (3) working days. You can use this letter to pursue your studies or for job application purposes.
2. What if I need the completion letter urgently but the Senate has not yet endorsed my completion?
You may email Registry and request a Special Completion Letter. The letter should be adequate as it contains your completion status and the expected Senate date.
1. I lost my offer letter. Can I request a new letter?
You may email your request to Registry. A new letter will be ready within five (5) days.
2. I lost my certificate/transcripts. Can I request a replacement?
Please email your request to Registry, and you will be informed of the relevant charges and payment methods. Upon receiving your payment, your request will be processed within two (2) weeks.
3. I lost my ID card. Can I request a replacement?
You may complete the Student Card Replacement form and email it to Registry. The form can be retrieved from Registry’s Google classroom.
Can I add or drop subject(s) that I have registered for?
Yes. Please refer to the following guidelines;
- Week 1 – Week 4
You can add or drop your subject(s) in PLUTO until Week 4 of the semester. This is subject to approval from your Faculty/Centre.
- Week 1 – Week 4
- After Week 4
- You have to apply manually, using a form.
- Please complete the form and submit it to your Faculty/Centre for approval.
- Upon receiving the approval, you may refer to Finance on the total amount that you will need to pay and make your payment.
- Finally, you submit the complete form to your Faculty/Centre admin with proof of payment.
1. What is the minimum attendance requirement?
You must meet a minimum of 80% of your class attendance.
2. What happens if I do not meet the minimum attendance requirement?
You will be given Warning Letter 1, 2 and 3. If we still do not hear from you, you will be barred from sitting for the final examination.
3. Who should I inform to if I can’t attend classes?
You can inform and provide the relevant documents (e.g medical certificate, letters etc.) to the lecturer.
1. Am I allowed to change to a new programme?
Yes. You must fulfill the following criteria;
i. You are in your first year of study.
ii. You have completed the first semester of your current programme.
iii. You meet the entry requirement of the new programme.
2. How do I apply?
i. Please complete the change of programme form and submit it to your faculty/centre.
ii. Upon approval, you will receive an official letter from the Registry Department.
Contact Information
If you have any queries and require assistance, there are a number of ways you can reach us:
Registry: +60 12-339 6334 (WhatsApp)
Exam Unit: +60 12-290 7963 (WhatsApp)
Email: [email protected]
Counter Operating hours:
Monday – Thursday: 9am – 11am / 2pm – 4pm
Friday: 9am – 11.30am / 2.30pm – 4pm
Location: Main Lobby, Block A