A Place I Was Able to Grow, Personally and Professionally
Graduate, Bachelor of Professional Communication
“I’m proud to say that I made memorable and worthwhile memories throughout my study experience at IUMW. I was fortunate to have been able to experience student life at IUMW’s partner university, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David in Wales, UK, and gained an insightful learning experience there as well. A climb for success and failure. Every journey has its own set of challenges, regardless, I was able to learn how to deal with my own emotions, friendships, and family. This was the place I was able to grow professionally and personally.
There may be struggles and life hurdles along the way, but hey, when life throws you lemons, you make lemonade! With the support of my family, friends, and great lecturers at IUMW, I was able to get through everything. The university offers a strong support system through its excellent lecturers and they were always there to answer any questions, be they about my studies or my worries!
Study Tip! Setting small goals is the way to go instead of cramming everything at the eleventh hour, especially for one who is prone to procrastination – like me”.